A very effective moisturiser and emollient for dry, cracked or scaly skin, containing 10% Glycerin, which is known for it’s moisture retaining qualities, and is often recommended by specialists for those people with dry, sensitive skins. The neutral pH range (pH 5.5 to 6.0) helps preserve the natural and protective acid mantle of your skin.
The mild formula is suitable for body, face and hands, and is safe for most sensitive skins as it does not contain any fragrance, colouring or lanolin, which can cause allergic reactions.
Dermasoft Sorbolene cream combines Glycerin with the emollient properties of Mineral Oil and also contains a mild anti-pruritic as a soothing agent and to reduce itching.
Use as a daily moisturiser for dry, cracked skin conditions, or as an aid to help relieve dry skin conditions associated with atopic eczema and detergent based dermatitis. Also suitable for dry aging skin and for infant care in cases of dry skin and nappy rash.